Josephine Apurot is 16 years old and an orphan. She was born with HIV, and early last year, after being on treatment her entire life, she tired of swallowing pills every day and stopped taking her antiretroviral medication (ARV) as advised. Her health condition quickly deteriorated.
Josephine says, “After months of not taking treatment, things went from good to bad. I became seriously ill.
After years of being affected physically, socially and emotionally by HIV, Josephine discovered her twin brother was HIV-negative and also began experiencing discrimination from other students. She became bitter and dropped out of school in despair. She could not find a reason for living, so she also stopped taking her ARVs. She was left weak and bedridden, and even her vision and hearing became impaired.
It was at this point that the Isiolo County social medical officer, Kiunga project officer and community health leader of Epiding Community psychosocial support group visited Josephine.
Together, they engaged Josephine in counseling sessions and helped her get started on a second line ARV treatment. Through support from Epiding support group and close monitoring (to ensure she takes her medicine consistently), Josephine has regained strength and is able to see and hear properly once again.
“Thank you for taking time to talk to me. I feel encouraged and I promise to adhere to medication as you have advised me. I don’t know how life could have been without your support. I’m forever grateful for all you have done to me.”
Kiunga project officer Mbae Leon continues to follow up with Josephine to make sure she gets back to school so she can pursue her dream of becoming a nurse.